Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 147: February 27, 2011

Mr. Claws gets a trim!
After one too many rough play sessions with Frankie and me receiving a
bloody hand in return I decided it was time to trim Frankie's claws.
He's not very happy.

Day 146: February 26, 2011

New roommate's room = Sparkly clean & freshly painted.

Cindy & Mike's room = Biohazard disaster area.

Day 145: February 25, 2011

The lizard-lady.
I am slowly morphing into an amphibian creature.
Or I just leaned on a tweed ottoman a little too long.
You decide.

Day 144: February 24, 2011

Dirt garden.
We come home one day to find a giant hole where our garden used to be.
Chris is now filling it with dirt. Hopefully he will also fill it with flowers ;)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 143: February 23, 2011

Holy bicycles Batman! I'm getting my bike fixed!
After some crazy drunk frat boy "taco-ed" my bike
it only took me 5 1/2 months to get around to fixing it.

Day 142: February 22, 2011

Let sleeping cats lie.
He makes it really hard to get any homework done.

Day 141: February 21, 2011

What's up and what's down?
Life in Oklahoma is confusing.

Day 140: February 20, 2011

Photo fail.
Driving and taking pictures on my way to pick up dinner from O' Asian Fusion.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 139: February 19, 2011

Time for a new perspective. And some coffee!
We switched things up and decided to study at Grey Owl instead of home :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 138: February 18, 2011

Good times with good friends at The Mont.
Even though it's February it feels like Spring is here.
That patio was packed!

Day 137: February 17, 2011

Warm weather. Good food.
Enjoying sunny moments on the patio at 105 Degrees in OKC.

Day 136: February 16, 2011

Misfit mummie-cat.
And I'm beginning to realize I take way too many pictures of my cats.

Day 135: February 15, 2011

Stripper-cat Frankie, working the Valentine's Day glitter ;)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 131: February 11, 2011

68 degrees outside. 72 degrees inside.
Apparently Nines likes to sunbath inside the house.

Day 130: February 10, 2011

Campus Closed. Basketball game on.
OU vs. Texas. 52-68.
We bundled up, saw the first half of the game, grabbed our free t-shirts, then came home and got drunk.
All and all a pretty eventful night.

Day 129: February 9, 2011

Winter-time fun. Snow-curious kittens.
We let Misfit out the back door, forgot about her, then found a million little kitten prints
surrounding the house as she tried to find a way back in.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 128: February 8, 2011

The last piece!
Wait a minute . . . wait . . . It doesn't fit?!

Day 127: February 7, 2011

 A little bit blurry but strange nonetheless.
This was the positive outlook for the weather.
Still waiting for snow but at least school is canceled.

Day 126: February 6, 2011

The Republic. OKC.
Superbowl Sunday.
Many flights, beers, and double dead guy ales later . . .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 125: February 5, 2011

Snow break. Day 5.
Even the cats were restless so we let them out to explore the snow.

Day 124: February 4, 2011

Winter wonderland or house arrest?
Day 4 of snow break and going crazy!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 123: February 3, 2011

Skate shoes and snow?
Mike donated a shoe pic to his friend's picture project on Facebook.

Day 122: February 2, 2011

February. Winter.
Blizzard. -11 degrees. Coldest day in 20 years.
We needed to leave the house but had to shovel all of the snow out of the driveway first :(

Day 121: February 1, 2011

From witches and black cats,
To snowflakes and ice storms.
This is a pumpkin for all seasons.