Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 259: June 19, 2011

Spring cleaning & The Goodwill pile.
One of these items doesn't belong. Hmm . . .

Day 258: June 18, 2011

The sunny part of the garden.
In addition to plants (and the chosen weeds I decided to keep) we have lavender, catnip, mint, and strawberries :)

Day 257: June 17, 2011

Three days of weeding and adding soil, fertilizer, plants, and mulch
the shade garden is looking much better.

Day 256: June 16, 2011

Unfortunately because of the kitchen disaster of '11 the kitchen herbs didn't survive.
As part of the many garden renovations we are now growing strawberries :) (hopefully)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 255: June 15, 2011

After a 2 week-honeymoon and 2 subsequent weeks of neglect our herb garden died :(
No worries though, we're working on a new and improved herb garden with lessons learned ;)

Day 254: June 14, 2011

Freak storm attacks!
On a ridiculously hot day (97 degrees), a freak cold front decided to move in with a hail storm.
Despite my near-death experience driving in the middle of a severe hail storm, at least there wasn't a tornado.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 253: June 13, 2011

Hot cats on a tin roof?
Part of the fun of a house full of grump people with no AC are the grumpy cats with no AC.
Surprisingly, this is the closest they've been near each other all year
because apparently the tile really is that much cooler.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 252: June 12, 2011

Lazy Sunday.
Hungover, tired, and just simply exhausted from a great summer break so far
we're staying in bed today.

Day 251: June 11, 2011

Drunk face.
Maybe the shots of rum at the BBQ earlier were not a great idea.
Hmmm . . .

Day 250: June 10, 2011

Date night!
Fashion show, art walk, and dinner at a great Brazilian restaurant.
 Life would be much more interesting in OKC than Norman.

Day 249: June 9, 2011

Lunch buddies :)
Although a little quiet, Lola made wonderful company for lunch at The Mont.

Day 248: June 8, 2011

deadCENTER Film Festival.
Documentary on Kings of Leon.
We apparently didn't get the memo that we should bring lawn chairs, so we sat on the asphalt.
At least we had a blanket. And each other. And a few beers :)

Day 247: June 7, 2011

On the Border!
My new favorite bar in Norman.
The drinks are cheap and because it's a restaurant people can't smoke.

Day 246: June 6, 2011

Stow away.
At first I thought the random twigs had blown into our plant Zucky from the wind
but when I went to water him one day a bird flew out at my head.
Now Frankie site patiently underneath the plant waiting for baby birds to fall.
Oh geez.

Day 245: June 5, 2011

Finally done!
The kitchen has been under renovation since March.
Leaking pipe fixed, kitchen tiles repaired, and finally have kitchen cabinets
that are painted and fully functioning again.

Day 244: June 4, 2011

Getting cultured in Norman.
Music and art show at Fred Jones Gallery, OU. 

Day 243: June 3, 2011

Date night!
Dinner, cocktails and X-Men at the Warren Theater.

Day 242: June 2, 2011

Hiding out.
Frankie's new favorite spot to keep cool in the 90 degree weather.
Just don't sit in the rocking chair if you visit our house ;)

Day 241: June 1, 2011

Our local butcher.
Best meat supplier in Norman.
Quality meats and quality of life for the animals.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 240: May 31, 2011

The end of a 2-week whirlwind.
We were exhausted on our 10-hour flight from Paris to Dallas. Then we had to stand in 3 different lines for customs/security in Dallas. Then take a half-hour flight to OKC. Then wait around for bags that never arrived. Then drive back to the airport 2 hours later to retrieve said luggage. Exhausted.

Day 239: May 30, 2011

OU represent.
In the midst of a day of shopping we stopped in Harry's New York bar for a drink.
This is one of the bars Hemingway used to frequent when he lived in Paris.
All around the bar hung pendants from American universities, including OU.

Day 238: May 29, 2011

French wine tasting.
Mike set up a whole romantic day including watching Very Bad Trip 2 (Hangover 2),
French wine tasting and a romantic dinner cruise.

Day 237: May 28, 2011

Bike tour!
To see a little bit of everything and get a history lesson we decided to take a bike tour of the first 5 arrondissements.
Four hours was a bit too much for me but later that night we ate a very good meal at a fancy restaurant (Les Bouquinistes).

Day 236: May 27, 2011

Ooh la la.
While on a walking tour of Montmartre Mike had to banish the evil spirits of sin by rubbing this lady's breasts.
Kind of oxymoronic, hmm.
We did get to see the building where Picasso lived though and the Moulin Rouge!

Day 235: May 26, 2011

Our first night in Paris we spent walking around and observing the sights, to include the Eiffel Tower.
We struggled to fit in with Parisian eating times however and missed lunch (12-2:30) and dinner (5-10). They're very strict on their eating times.

Day 234: May 25, 2011

This is basically how we spent the entire day, topless girls and all.
Oh French Riviera!

Day 233: May 24, 2011

Nice is nice!
Unfortunately we missed out on beach time in Marseille but more than made up for it in Nice.
Our first night in Nice we spent on the beach drinking cocktails and kicking our feet up :)

Day 232: May 23, 2011

Mike's new friend in Marseille.
While waiting for our cruise to take us around the catalans of Marseille, Mike befriended a beast, a very happy one.
Although all the locals looked at him in disgust for petting a stray dog, ha ha.

Day 231: May 22, 2011

Marseille, France.
This should be the warning at the train station when you enter town.
CAUTION: This town may make you want to drive your car into the sea.
One waiter called Marseille the Detroit of France. Ugh.

Day 230: May 21, 2011

On with the show!
Struggling with the time change and a late night of drinking the night before, we slept all day and woke up just in time to catch Matthew Fox's first theatrical production: In a Forest, Dark and Deep.
It was an interesting production overall but we were excited to see the star of Lost up close and personal :)

Day 229: May 20, 2011

Tours of London.
While attempting to find the Royal Palace by foot, we discovered Hyde Park,
Big Ben, a shopping district near Parliament, and Green Park.
Once we realized we were about 2 hours too late to see any people at the palace
we went on a self-made pub crawl through Covent Garden.

Day 228: May 19, 2011

The London Eye.
Mike signed us up for a champagne tour of London, courtesy of the London Eye,
a giant ferris wheel which overlooks the entire city.

Day 227: May 18, 2011

Excited and in love.
At the airport waiting for our honeymoon to begin.

Day 226: May 17, 2011

Stow away.
While packing for the big trip, Nines decided he wanted to come with us.

Day 225: May 16, 2011

This cat is entirely way too comfortable in my spot.