Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 224: May 15, 2011

After an overpriced breakfast at The Skurvin we took a limo ride to the Thunder game
to watch them defeat the Grizzlies in Game 7 :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 223: May 14, 2011

BBQ at Erich's.
Celebrating the end of Mike's first semester at "Big kid school".

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 222: May 13, 2011

Let's Celebrate!
School's over for the semester and the Thunder are playing the Grizzlies.
Go Thunder!

Day 221: May 12, 2011

There's always interesting artwork in the parking garage next to Burton Hall.
And it's always more interesting as I'm driving out of the garage heading home :)

Day 220: May 11, 2011

With school almost done,
we took the night off to watch the Thunder crush the Grizzlies at BJ's Restaurant.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 219: May 10, 2011

Hopefully Mike's new lucky hat.
The Thunder beat the Memphis Grizzlies in triple overtime in Game 4, Memphis, TN.
Despite the fact we both had to wake up at 7 a.m. this morning,
we stayed up and cheered for the Thunder until 1 a.m.

Day 218: May 9, 2011

It's official.
After much whining on Mike's part,
I finally went over to the DMV and changed my last name.
The lady messed up and put a hyphen in it though. Grr.

Day 217: May 8, 2011

The Deli, Norman, OK.
Taking a break from studying and catching a Sunday afternoon show at The Deli.
Not too shabby.

Day 216: May 7, 2011

Death becomes her.
I think it's finally happening, our herb garden is dying.
Anyone know how to save it?

Day 215: May 6, 2011

Mmm, beer.
We took a break from studying, dusted off the bikes,
and hit up Cohiba Lounge for a refreshing beverage.

Day 214: May 5, 2011

handsome kat.
My other study buddy.
One paper down, two to go.

Day 213: May 4, 2011

Words to live by.
After a very rough day at school we decided to take the night off,
drink martinis, and watch Godzilla.
Somehow, a very fitting movie for that day. Poor Gojira :(

Day 212: May 3, 2011

Game 2, NBA Playoffs, Round 2
After a crushing defeat in Game 1 versus the Memphis Grizzlies at home,
the Thunder came back and reclaimed victory.

Day 211: May 2, 2011

Continuing to accrue a debt with the veterinarian close to $1,000,
Misfit is now on a special, prescription diet.
Don't ask how much it costs.

Day 210: May 1, 2011

My study buddy.
On lock down for finals with three term papers to write,
this is the most social action I've seen all day.

Day 209: April 30, 2011

Edgefest, 2011.
Denton, TX
This set by Weezer may be one of the best live performances I've ever seen.
The festival lasted all day in ridiculous Texas heat,
but it was all worth it to see Weezer perform that night.

Day 208: April 29, 2011

Niners is vicious!
Or just really sleepy.
Curled up on his favorite chair in the front living room,
Nines takes a break from sleeping to yawn a little.